Friday, April 3, 2009

Obama Nominee Koh Wants to Impose Foreign Law; Shariah?!

If you've been reading my blog at all in the past few weeks, you know that Obama has already tried to appoint 7 anti-Israel, pro-terrorist politicians to his administration. We managed to defeat one so obviously vile that even elected Jewish liberal Democrats who supported Obama last November opposed him, but that still leaves Obama with 6 anti-Israel, pro-terrorist miscreants in his administration. You might also recall that in his $410 billion socialist pork "stimulus" act, Obama got the Democrat majority in Congress to send hundreds of millions of dollars to Obama's terrorist buddies in Hamas, who contributed illegally to his campaign last fall.

Not content to help mass-murdering Muslim monsters exterminate the Jews in Israel, now Obama wants to appoint Harold Koh as the chief legal advisor for the US State Department. Koh, a leftist in charge of the notoriously left-wing Yale Law School since 2004, advocated subordinating the US Constitution to "international law." Koh has written and spoken widely against US sovereignty, likening the US to terror states like North Korea and Iraq under Saddam Hussein. According to New York attorney Steven J. Stein, Koh, during a speech in 2007 where Koh advocated imposing the laws of various foreign countries on US courts, Koh mentioned Islamic law, or Shariah, as one type of law that he advocated imposing on American courts.

Shariah, as you might know, is the Muslim law that allow a husbands to beat his wives for being disobedient, forces all women to cover themselves from head to toe in order to subjugate them into virtual nonexistence as individuals, and authorizes a husband to kill any wife who sleeps with another man. Liberals, who often get hysterical over even a law preventing third-trimester abortions, claiming that such a law somehow dehumanizes them, should have exploded in outrage over Obama's nomination of a pro-Shariah lawyer to the State Department. Other than Stein, however, not a single liberal has uttered a peep, and the liberal media refuse to even report the story. You can read more at

Working together we managed to defeat one pro-terrorist nominee, as you can read at Now's your chance to oppose the nomination by sending a free email to your US Senators (who have to consent to the nominee) at (toward the bottom of the page). If you're one of my liberal Jewish high school friends, or indeed any liberal, and you've read this far, I give you kudos! Now please use any connections you might have to Democrats in Congress, the Obama, administration, or the liberal media to oppose the nomination of Koh and to publicize the issue further.

If we can pressure the liberal media into actually reporting the story, as we did to defeat the nomination of Charles Freeman, if we can just get word of his pro-Shariah comments to Democrats on Capitol Hill, we might just defeat Harold Koh too. Even if your connections consist of just a $50 contribution to Obama, Hillary, or some Democrat in Congress, please write to them opposing Koh. Let them know that you supported them. They're more likely to respond to favorably when their own supporters oppose what they're poised to do. So please don't delay, but contact them in opposition to Koh now. Thank you.


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