Monday, August 31, 2009

Liberal Washington Post Admits CIA Saves American Lives

Even the liberal Washington Post admits that CIA interrogation of mass-murdering Muslim terrorists saves American lives. Sure, the Post has to make at least a token questioning of the methods, but the evidence is so overwhelming that the CIA has saved American lives with enhanced interrogation that even the Post has to admit the truth for the change. Could this be a new trend of the liberal media at least grudgingly admitting the truth?! Nah, I doubt it. :-D

GOP Maintains Slim Lead in Generic Congressional Ballot

In a noticeable shift from last summer, Republicans now hold as small edge over Democrats, an edge they've maintained since the end of June. With the Democrats, and especially their leftist leadership, so out of touch with the rest of America, you have won wonder who are the people so ignorant of the Democrat desire for progressively more government control that they support Democrats who are completely out of touch with them? If you're not a diehard leftist, I recommend that you dial down your watching of PMS NBC and the Commie News Network, and dial up Fox News for a bit. There's a whole different world out here from the one portrayed by the liberal media.

62% Prefer Tax Cuts to Government Spending

While a 62% majority of Americans support tax cuts over more government spending, Democrats divide equally over the issue, showing that they're not nearly as out of touch with America on taxes and spending as they are on health care. The even split among Democrats over taxes versus spending does show, moreover, that the leftist Democrat leadership remains out of touch not just with Americans generally, but even with rank-and-file Democrats. Democrats, it's time to wake up and stop voting for leftists like Obama, Reid and Pelosi!

Support for ObamaCare Falls to New Low

After all the demonization of protesters by Obama and his liberal proxies, opposition to his socialist seizure of our health care has risen to from a plurality to a majority. While predictably 69% of Democrats favor the plan and 79% of Republicans oppose it, a stunning 62% of unaffiliated voters oppose it too, demonstrating that on health care socialization, Democrats remain radically at odds with the rest of America.

By 40% to 35% Americans Oppose "Climate Change" Bill

From the late 19th century through the mid-20th, the Earth warmed a bit, coming completely out of the Little Ice Age of the Late Middle Ages. From about 1940 through the 1960s, the Earth cooled again ever so slightly, causing environmentalists to start screaming "global cooling!" and demand that the government control us more. Three warm summers in the 1980s, however, led the same environmentalists to start screaming "global warming!" and demand that the government control us more. With 3 cold years in a row now, environmentalists have started to talk about "global climate change" instead of "global warming"--but still demand that government control us more. As the liberal Democrats in Congress try to impose their control on us, Americans have grown skeptical of environmentalist demands for more government control. Note that those who strongly oppose the latest bill outnumber those who strongly favor it nearly 3 to 1.

Obama vs. Honduran Democracy

Apparently it's not just the Israel democracy Obama wants to destroy--he's out to destroy Honduran democracy as well. It's ironic that when Reagan brought democracy to most of Latin America, liberals attached him for "imperialism," but now that a liberal is trying to overthrow democracy in Latin America, liberals say nothing.

Obama Fiddles While Iran Prepares to Burn--Israel

Obama fiddles while Iran's Jew-Butcher-in-Chief prepares to burn--Israel. Obama's favoring of mass-murdering Muslim monsters over Israel's democracy shows how far liberals have sunk since the days of Harry Truman, who rushed to recognize the new State of Israel in 1948 against a sea of hostile Arab Ba'athist (fascist foes). Even as recently as the 1990s, it was liberals who shouted loudest against the radical Muslim extremist like the Taliban.

Since 9/11, however, when Muslim terrorists became the most obvious threat to America, all too many liberals have, in their hatred of America, embraced them. Obama, the son of a Muslim north African Arab, went to a predominantly Muslim school as a child, raised funds for the PLO when it remained on the terrorist list where it belonged, accepted illegal campaign contributions from Hamas, and rewarded Hamas with $58 million in the "stimulus" earlier this year. So it's no surprise at all that Obama leans on Israelis to prevent them from preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons with which to obliterate Israel.

Liberals Crow Over Government-Subsidized Profits

It's astounding to see the liberal New York Times crowing about Big Business profits. Why is this bastion of class warfare suddenly giddy with excitement over Big Business profits? Because the profits were subsidized by the federal government. Ah hypocrisy, they name is liberal.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Things Only a Kennedy Could Get Away With

As the late Mike Royko, a Chicago columnist, wrote some 30 years ago: You might not buy a used car from Nixon, but would you RIDE in one with Kennedy driving?

NY Times: Kennedy Flawed Only For Helping Elect Reagan

From a statist-liberal perspective, the only bad thing about Kennedy was that by running against Carter Kennedy allegedly helped elect Reagan--and this is just what the New York Times editor wrote. Here is liberal media bias at its best (or worst). "All the news that's fit to distort."

Plurality Opposes Obama Attacks on CIA

By 49% to 36%, Americans Oppose Obama Attacks on CIA for Defending America Against Terrorists.

Obama Reaches Record Level of Public Disapproval

Even as Obama has been demonizing protesters of his plans to seize control of our health care, Obama keep reaching new levels of disapproval with Americans. I can't imagine why. I might add too that I can't image why, with a Democrat Congress helping him try to seize control of your health care, 57% of Americans want to scrap the entire Congress and start over with new members.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dodd Keeps Latest Health Care Bill Secret

Dodd keeping his latest socialist health care bill secret even from other Senators means that it must be REALLY bad. Just when you thought ObamaCare couldn't get any worse...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Even Liberal Panetta Defends CIA Against Obama-Holder

Even a liberal like Leon Panetta defends the CIA against the pro-terrorist "investigation" of Obama and Holder. In case you don't recall, Panetta, a former Democrat Congressman from California, served first as Clinton's budget director and then as Clinton's chief of staff. That even a Clintonite like Panetta would defend the CIA shows the anti-American leftist depths to which Obama and Holder have sunk.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Obama's Doctor Death

While the liberal media attacked Sarah Palin for referring to ObamaCare's planning board as a death board, there's little doubt that Obama's Doctor Death, Ezekiel Emanuel, advocates "saving money" under socialist health care by removing care from the elderly, letting them die.

Obama Targets Medicare Advantage

It might seem like in an unlimited democracy majorities would tax minorities to subsidize benefits for themselves, but in practice it's difficult for a majority to impose large enough taxes on the minority to get very large benefits per person. So in practice majorities usually end up taxing themselves to subsidize themselves and then whining about the taxes while trying to keep increasing the benefits. It's sort of like transfusing blood from your right arm to your left arm and then whining about the needles.

Rural voters, for instance, agitated heavily for a resumption of wartime farm price support subsidies after World War I, but as they represented a majority of the population, they failed miserably in the 1920s. Only after farmers had fallen into the minority could they get benefits, and only when they'd become a tiny minority could they get really GOOD benefits from the rest of us.

Currently the federal government subsidizes health care for two groups of minorities--the poor (with Medicaid), and the elderly (with Medicare). Only by taxing everyone else can the government pay the medical subsidies for the poor and elderly. If government is going to subsidize "universal" care--i.e. subsidize everyone's health care--it's got to get the money from somewhere. Medicare dwarfs Medicaid, so if Obama really were able to seize control of our health care, to pay for it he'd have to cut Medicare subsidies. As the following piece indicates, although he's currently denying he'd cut Medicare, he's admitted it publicly just two weeks ago.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obama Versus the CIA

Even the career (overwhelmingly Democrat) prosecutors at the Justice Department believe that the CIA acted legally in its interrogations of Muslim terrorists, acting quickly to expose and halt the few random abuses that the liberal media have tried to pretend characterized the CIA as a whole. Holder's attack on the CIA is one part political persecution, as many liberals have long hated the CIA and particularly hated W for mentioning Jesus as his favorite political philosopher, and one part assistance to Muslim terrorists, with whom Obama sympathizes and for whom Obama first raised private money and then as president funded with taxpayer dollars. Instead of interfering with the CIA's courageous efforts to protect Americans from mass-murdering Muslim monsters, maybe the Justice Department should look into Holder's pardon of Clinton crony Marc Rich and Obama's fundraising for the PLO and tax subsidies for Hamas.

Has Ben Bernanke learned his lesson?

I'd thought that if there were any lesson that Federal Reserve policy makers had learned from the stagflation the Fed caused during the 1970s (weak growth in GDP coupled with high unemployment and high inflation) it's that the Fed can'...t fool people into creating real economic growth over the long term by creating an excessive growth rate in the money supply. As the monetary bubbles caused by Greenspan and Bernnanke this decade show, however, neither one seems to have learned the lesson. I'm not as optimistic as the Wall Street Journal editors that somehow Bernanke has learned his lesson between 2007 and now.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CIA Tactics Save American Lives

Between 9/11 and the end of the Bush presidency, the liberal media reported on at least three attempts by mass-murdering Muslim monsters to murder Americans in America. In all three cases, and in many, many more than the liberal media have not reported, the brave and resourceful men and women at the CIA, in concert with British MI6 and Israeli Mossad stopped the Muslim terrorists cold, without loss of American lives. CIA agents risk their lives in a daily war with Muslim terrorists while arrogant, know-nothing liberals like John Edwards spit on them, and pro-terrorist miscreants like Obama and Holder fund the terrorists ($58 million for Hamas in the "stimulus" bill alone) and now attack the CIA defenders of America themselves. Nobody should be surprised that when Holder said he wouldn't attack the CIA for defending American that he was lying.

Embracing Bushonomics, Obama Re-appoints Bernanke

The failed Bush-Obama Keynesian inflationary policies continue. Greenspan actually started the mess by creating too much money which helped by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac ended up going mostly into real estate, where it gave people the erroneous impression that it represented more wealth. If the new money had pushed up consumer prices instead of real estate prices, everyone would have recognized it for the inflation that it was. Bernanke tried to stop the inevitable bust that came from Greenspan's inflationary bubble--by creating another inflationary bubble. So instead of just suffering a recession we suffered recession AND inflation, with food and especially gasoline prices spiking sharply in 2008. The spike in fuel prices savaged both the auto makers and the airlines, ensuring an even deeper recession. There's no surprise here that Obama wants to continue these failed policies, as the worse he makes things, the more he thinks he can scare Americans into accepting more government control.

Obama Helps Terrorists By Attacking CIA

Eric Holder claimed he wouldn't do exactly what he's doing now. I guess it wasn't enough for Obama to pay off Hamas in the "stimulus" bill; he has to go after the people who have stopped a second 9/11 from happening despite dozens of attempts.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Obama Popularity Reaches New Low

Obama's popularity reaches yet another new low; even a majority of Democrats no longer strongly approves of him.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Obama: Intimidating Whites Is Fine

Can you IMAGINE the hysteria from the liberal media if white men did this to black voters?!

Zogby: Obama Hits Record Low in Poll

This confirms the recent Rasmussen poll, which also shows Obama at an all-time low, albeit 2 points higher than the in the Zogby poll, but within the margin of error of both polls. According to Zogby, Obama's plans to seize control of their health care has been scaring off independents, crucial swing voters. I wonder though why those independents weren't listening before November when we TOLD them that Obama would try to seize control of their health care?!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

2 Blasts Expose Security Flaws in Heart of Iraq

Another reminder that the number one murderers of innocent Muslims are Muslim terrorists. It's also what I predicted would happen if we pulled out of Iraq too fast. All the liberals would screamed "American imperialism" in Iraq doubtless are happy now.

ObamaCare's Contradictions

Apparently Obama just can't keep himself from talking out of both sides of his mouth. It seems to be a compulsion, and perhaps he should resigned and go spend the next four years getting treated for compulsive lying.

54% Fear Government Will Do Too Much To Fix Economy

There's nothing like listening to the most liberal former Senator (NTU rating 9%, more liberal than Hillary, Boxer or Kennedy) to persuade millions of Americans of the dangers of more government intervention.