Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama Fiddles While Iran Prepares to Burn--Israel

Obama fiddles while Iran's Jew-Butcher-in-Chief prepares to burn--Israel. Obama's favoring of mass-murdering Muslim monsters over Israel's democracy shows how far liberals have sunk since the days of Harry Truman, who rushed to recognize the new State of Israel in 1948 against a sea of hostile Arab Ba'athist (fascist foes). Even as recently as the 1990s, it was liberals who shouted loudest against the radical Muslim extremist like the Taliban.

Since 9/11, however, when Muslim terrorists became the most obvious threat to America, all too many liberals have, in their hatred of America, embraced them. Obama, the son of a Muslim north African Arab, went to a predominantly Muslim school as a child, raised funds for the PLO when it remained on the terrorist list where it belonged, accepted illegal campaign contributions from Hamas, and rewarded Hamas with $58 million in the "stimulus" earlier this year. So it's no surprise at all that Obama leans on Israelis to prevent them from preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons with which to obliterate Israel.

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