Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Obama and Holder 'At War' with CIA

As I've been saying all along, members of the CIA are unsung heroes valiantly defending America from the mass-murdering Muslim monsters of radical Islam--the same monsters who, by the way, deliberately target the mosques of other Muslims--and we should be praising them (or at least letting them be) rather than attacking them, as Obama and Holder are doing. Now you can hear a little of the hidden story of how the CIA defends us silently from terrorists, like antibiotics fighting the latest lethal bacteria. Remember too that although the liberal media have been demonizing the CIA--excluding yesterday's remarkable article in the Post--the liberal career lawyers at the Justice Department signed off on the CIA's interrogation techniques, and Holder himself said he wouldn't do exactly what he's doing now. Do Obama and Holder really hate America SO much that they want to destroy our first line of defense again mass-murdering Muslim terrorists?

I fully expect Obama, Holder and their leftist pro-terrorist proxies to persecute Mr. Clizbe with all the powers at their disposal. To come forward like this Mr. Clizbe must have an extraordinary level of courage, but then we knew that from his CIA activities defending America.

I should add too that while the Obama-Holder prosecution represents in part an attack on the achievements of the Bush presidency, like no repeat of 9/11, it even more represents the culmination of decades of leftist hatred for the CIA, stemming from the CIA's dogged opposition to communism. The leftist hatred of the CIA goes back at least as far as 1953, when the CIA backed the Shah of Iran in a coup against a democratically-elected socialist prime minister, in order to prevent the possibility of the Soviets from having another puppet government in Iran, as they had when they'd left Iran after World War II. During the 1990s, with the Cold War over, the Clinton administration tied the CIA's hands by creating a "wall" between the CIA and the FBI, preventing the CIA from learning facts that might have allowed them to foil 9/11 as they have foiled ever terrorist attempt in America since. The Bush administration, whatever its other weaknesses (and it had many) made the wise move of dismantling the Clinton "wall" and untying the CIA's hands. For its success in stopping every single terrorist plot since 9/11, the CIA now faces the wrath of the left in the form of the Obama-Holder persecution.

It's ironic that the left so hates the CIA today. Harry Truman, who founded the CIA, actually leaned heavily to the left himself, as his unconstitutional efforts to seize control of the entire steel industry without even a law from Congress demonstrate. Back in Truman's day, however, it was possible to a leftist in America without hating America. Since Vietnam, however, the left in America has turned heavily anti-American. So as left as he was, I'd gladly take a Truman in exchange for an Obama and a Holder. Heck, I'd even give you an American-hating Michelle in the bargain!

I suspect that the CIA will survive the Obama-Holder war on it, but will it remain able to stave off constant terrorist threats with while defending itself from a pro-terrorist president and attorney general? Or will Obama and Holder, like Clinton and, well, Holder, so tie up the CIA that the terrorists succeed at another 9/11? We need a public outcry against the Obama war on the CIA to make sure it can continue to defend us from mass-murdering Muslim monsters who want to repeat 9/11.


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