Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Petition to Seat Scott Brown Immediately

Now that Republican Scott Brown has won the US Senate seat held by Ted Kennedy for decades, Democrats in the Senate have lost their 60-seat filibuster-proof majority and so can no longer pass Obama's fascist health care plan with its mandates, taxes, fines and criminal prison sentences. Or have they?

Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid might try to delay the seating of Scott Brown until after the House-Senate Conference Committee sends back a fascist health care bill that reconciles the Senate version with the even worse House version. Reid doesn't care much that a majority of American people oppose the fascist health care bills and that even in Massachusetts, arguably the most liberal state in the republic, thousands of liberal Democrats who voted for Obama came out to vote against Obama's fascist health care bills. Reid himself now runs a serious risk of getting tossed out by the voters of Nevada in his 2010 reelection bid, so he's likely to conduct a scorched-earth policy and impose as much fascist government control on us as possible before Nevadans put an end to his legislative reign of terror and lop off his political head.

To help oppose fascist health care you can sign a petition to demand the immediate seating of Scott Brown at Reid might not be listening, but some other Democrat Senators are: already last night, Virginia's US Senator, Jim Webb, a Democrat with a liberal voting record but a moderate reputation, stated that no vote should on health care reform should take place before the Senate seats Brown. Webb won his Senate seat in 2006 by only three-tenths of a percent against conservative Republican George Allen, and only because 1. The liberal media managed to turn Allen's non-racial "macaca" comment into a racial slur; 2. Voters sick of losing Bush's then-losing policies in Iraq wanted to win; 3. Enough voters were foolish enough to believe that Democrats would win rather than try to cut and run; and 4. The liberal media managed to paint Webb as a "moderate" or even "conservative" Democrat because he'd once served as an Assistant Secretary of the Navy under Reagan (but also called Reagan a fool, a fact that the liberal media loved but hid from you). Webb knows then that he's skating on thin ice. He routinely votes a liberal line, but without much media attention routinely gets away with it. On fascist health care (on which he voted to kill the Republican filibuster) though there's far too much media attention, and he knows that he's in serious danger of not getting reelected in 2012.

So while the petition probably won't affect Reid directly, it can certainly affect Democrat Senators like Webb and others from so-called "purple states" where voters could easily toss out the Democrat Senators with moderate reputations revealed to be liberal and not the moderates they pretended to be. So let's do everything possible to drive the wooden stake through the heart of Obama's fascist health care plan and sign the petition to seat Scott Brown immediately at I've already signed it, and I hope you will too.

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