Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama: Taxes for You But Not For Me

I believe this is the fifth nominee of Obama's who has cheated on his income taxes. Cheating on your income taxes seems to have become the main credential for getting an Obama appointment. It's ironic that all these rich liberal elites who want to raise your taxes don't feel any obligation to pay the taxes they impose on the rest of us. They ranted and raved about "Bush tax cuts for the rich" which actually cut my rate, the bottom rate, from 15% to 10%, and so were tax cuts for the working poor, but then the rich liberal elites did not even pay the reduced taxes they owe after the Bush tax cuts!

I guess it should come as no surprise that the man who wants to trap all your kids in failed government-monopoly schools but sends his own kids to an elite private school would want you to pay taxes that he his cronies don't pay themselves.


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