Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oppose Unconstitutional DC Gun Ban

For the United States of America, Washington, DC isn't merely the political capital nor even merely the hubris capital; DC is the murder capital as well. For 32 years the DC city council imposed a gun ban so that law-abiding citizens of DC couldn't legally defend themselves, ensuring that only criminals had guns.

During 2008, however, the Supreme Court ruled in DC v. Heller that the DC ban on guns violates the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution. Lawrence Tribe, the leftist legal scholar and Bill Clinton's original first pick for the Supreme Court, a longtime advocate of gun-control, even admitted recently that, after studying the history of the 2nd Amendment, he could conclude only that the Founding Fathers meant it to protect an individual right to bear arms. (Tribe is therefore calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment, but I have to give him kudos for telling the truth about history, a rarity among leftists these days.)

The DC city council, however, in another show of what makes DC the hubris capital of the country, ignored the Supreme Court and kept a gun ban in place (after making a cosmetic change). Can you imagine the hue and cry we'd hear in the liberal media if a city decided, for instance, to ban first-trimester abortions in violation of Planned Parenthood v. Casey?! (For the many who don't know, Planned Parenthood v. Casey overturned Roe v. Wade's three-trimester rule, and replaced it with an "undue burden" rule, which basically allows the Court to toss out any abortion laws it doesn't like, and to keep any it does like.) The liberal media have not, of course, said a peep against DC for violating the Constitution, which the liberal media believes says whatever they want it to say, regardless of the facts.

Regardless of the hubris of the DC city council and the liberal media, however, Congress, which oversees DC, is moving to repeal DC's unconstitutional gun ban. Senator John Ensign of Nevada introduced an amendment to a DC voting bill to repeal the DC gun ban. The Senate passed the repeal of the gun ban by a 62-39 majority, meaning that many Democrats support the repeal.

Over in the House, however, Fuhrer Pelosi is trying to impose a gag rule to prevent Republicans from bringing the amendment up for a vote, knowing that she will lose that vote too because as in the Senate, too many House Democrats represent people who, unlike many big-city middle class folk, support the right to keep and bear arms. The only way for Fuhrer Pelosi to stop the repeal is to stop the vote in the first place--or kill the DC voting bill entirely. The DC voting bill, would, however, give DC its own US Representative, further padding the Democrats' House majority, so Fuhrer Pelosi isn't likely to just kill the bill.

Since the Democrats represent a constant threat to what remains of our liberty, I'd rather that they didn't grant DC--already grossly over-powerful in America--its own representative. Adding the gun-ban repeal to the bill might just kill the voting bill in the House, although adding the repeal didn't kill the bill in the Senate. At the very least, adding the gun-ban repeal to the bill would restore the freedom to defend themselves to the law-abiding citizens of DC.

You can help make the repeal happen by sending a free email to your representative using the url below. I did, and I hope you will too. I regularly email my US Senators and Representative, and they always respond. So far Senator Mark Warner and Representative Connolly have voted my way zero percent of the time, but Senator Webb, the so-called "moderate" Democrat, has voted my way a whopping 18% of the time! As we saw with the Kennedy-McCain Covert Amnesty act, when the grassroots overwhelmingly oppose something, even Democrats will abandon it. So please write your representative in support of repealing the DC gun ban now.


Oppose Unconstitutional DC Gun Ban

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