Monday, March 23, 2009

Help Stop Obama Sham Budget!

The shockingly-high level of spending Obama proposes falls nothing short of simply insane! He's talking about a deficit of $2 TRILLION for fiscal 2010 alone. The deficit, you'll recall, is the amount by which federal spending exceeds federal tax receipts. So just this fiscal year, Obama wants to spend $2 trillion more than the government collects in taxes. As part of those taxes, by the way, Obama proposes increasing tax rates to collect an extra $700 billion. So expect your tax bills to rise even as the recession is lowering your income. Remember too that, because people respond to incentives, when tax rates go up, people shift away from taxable income, and so the government never collects as much in taxes as it projects from a tax increase. You can reasonably expect the Obama deficit to exceed $2 trillion--for 2010 alone!

The Obama budget plan for the next decade projects total budget deficits approaching $10 TRILLION, nearly doubling the unpaid federal accumulated since World War II of $11 trillion. Remember too that Congress hasn't once, since it passed the Budget Impoundment Act of 1973 (which took away the president's power to refuse to spend money appropriated by Congress), actually spent only as much as the president budgeted. Let me repeat that: not once since 1973 has Congress ever spent only as much as the president budgeted. Let me say it another way: every year since 1973, Congress has spent more than the federal budget it passed. The budget is a sham that Congress passes and then freely ignores. So Obama's projected $10 trillion in new federal deficits over 10 years will easily exceed the $10 trillion. Don't be surprised if Obama and the Democrat Congress spend more on deficits alone in the next decade than all the deficit-spending Congress has done since World War II combined!

With Democrat majorities in both houses of Congress, it will be hard to stop the simply insane Obama sham budget. Republicans in the Senate, however, have enough votes, if they all stick together, to filibuster to death (permanently table) Obama's sham budget. With enough pressure from constituents, furthermore, some Democrats might bail out on the sham budget too. I've already used the link below to send my free fax to my US Representative and two US Senators (all Democrats in a swing state) and I hope you will too. Together we can stop, or at least drastically reduce, the Obama sham budget.

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