I hope that you will sign the petition at the link below in support of Israel, whether you're Christian or not. I did.
Israel has been fighting mass-murdering Muslim monsters since the days when we ignored them for the bigger threat of world communism. The mass-murdering Muslim monsters BLAME Israel for the mass-murdering that the mass-murdering Muslim monsters do: "If only we could murder EVERY Jew, we'd stop all the mass-murdering. Really we would. But since you won't LET us murder every Jew, just thousands per year, we have to murder YOU too," say the mass-murdering Muslim monsters.
Of course mass-murdering Muslim monsters have been murdering innocents, even other Muslims, for centuries. An unlike Christians, who didn't have such a great track record before the 19th and 20th centuries, mass-murdering Muslim monsters have a book that TEACHES them that Jews are subhuman and should be killed, indeed that Muslims should kill ALL infidels (which apparently includes other Muslims who don't agree with the mass-murdering Muslim monsters). To the Muslims who ignore the part of the Koran that tells them that the rest of us are all subhuman and must be exterminated, I say, "More power to you."
It used to be that American liberals hated Islam in general and Arab Muslim in particular for the way that Islam subordinates the individual to religious leaders and the way that Arabs treat women as property, or less than property, because you don't behead a car (or a camel) for behaving differently than you want it to. From the 1940s through 1960s liberals bore a great deal of responsibility for the US supporting Israel against the Arab Muslims who wanted murder every single Jew. Even as late as the 1990s it was American liberals, mostly in Hollywood, screaming bloody murder over the Muslim Taliban (not Arabs but Afghanis) in Afghanistan and how they oppressed, tortured and even killed women.
But two bad things happened to change all that: The Tet Offensive in Vietnam in 1968 turned American liberals against America, and the 9/11 bombing in 2001 demonstrated that mass-murdering Muslim monsters represented a grave threat to the America that so many liberals hate. So suddenly, the Islam that liberals had hated for decades became, in liberal parlance, "a religion of peace." Many liberals respond to any attempt to characterize the mass-murdering Muslim monsters as mass-murdering Muslim monsters by accusing of bigotry the victims and intended victims of the mass-murdering Muslim monsters. The liberal media even refused to report that the two Beltway snipers were both Muslims, yet reported in every single story that Madoff, the financial criminal was a Jew. Despite the presence of many Jews within postmodern liberalism--74% of Jews who voted in the 2008 presidential election voted for Obama, down only slightly from the 76% who voted or Kerry in 2004 and the 79%, a record high, who voted for Gore in 2000--postmodern liberalism has turned against the Jews, and now supports the mass-murdering Muslim monsters, precisely because the mass-murdering Muslim monsters share with many liberals a contempt for America.
You can find some of the biggest supporters of Israel, besides big-city, Jews ironically, among Christian social conservatives in small towns and rural areas. I say "ironically" because the liberal news and entertainment media consistently--one might say relentlessly--portray conservative Christians and small-town residents as ignorant, anti-Semitic bigots. I found far more anti-Semites, in the real world, living in Chicago than living in small-town Iowa. Big-city Jews and small-town social conservatives, sadly, almost never mix, and so big city Jews, who tend to rely on the liberal media fro all their "news," rarely even know that Christian social conservatives number among the staunchest allies of Israel. The very fact that the organization of Christians pushes this petition in support of Israel demonstrates some of the support that Christian social conservatives give to Israel. I hope, as I said at the outset, that you'll sign it whether you're Christian or not. I did.
Getting people to leave their full personal details in order to sign the petition won't fly.