Saturday, March 7, 2009

Obama Gives Tax Money to Hamas

It weren't bad enough that Hillary publicly attacked Israel the other day, now, as you can read at the url below, Obama is covertly giving the mass-murdering Muslim monsters in Hamas your own hard-earned money. Obama has now appointed five pro-terrorist, anti-Israel miscreants to his administration--six if you count Arafat-hugging Hillary. But don't take my word for it--read the Jewish publication at the url below.

Before the election I tried to warn Jewish liberals--including members of my own family--that Obama opposed Jews and supported Muslim terrorists, but few listened, and one even stopped talking to me entirely for months (until the election had passed). Some 74% of Jewish voters for voted for Obama, leaving only a quarter, including the very liberal once-Democrat (and now independent but still caucusing with the Democrats) Joseph Lieberman, voting against Obama. I don't expect non-Jewish liberals to care about Israel. Iran could nuke Israel tomorrow, and most non-Jewish American liberals wouldn't care, and a few non-Jewish liberals would celebrate. American liberalism abandoned Jews and Israel in the 1990s--at that very time that Hillary was publicly hugging the wife of former Jew-Butcher-in-Chief Arafat.

But to the Jewish liberals who did vote for Obama I say: he's your president, and you're going to have to live with the consequences of voting for him. If I were you, I'd use those great Democrat connections you have to raise hell and high water to stop Obama from presiding over the destruction of Israel. Even if you're just a rank and file Democrat, or a pretend independent who's never actually voted for a Republican in a presidential election, call your US Senators and your US Representative, and demand that they hold hearings on Obama's appointment of anti-Israel nominees to his administration. I recommend that you demand that Joseph Lieberman oversee the Senate hearings to make sure that non-Jewish liberal Democrats don't turn the hearings into an anti-Israel witch trial. And if you do happen to be friends with Rahm Emanuel, call him up and demand that he do more to stop Obama from helping Hamas destroy Israel.

The funny thing is that I never have to warn socially-conservative Christians about threats like the one Obama poses to Israel. Christian conservatives are among the staunchest supporters of Israel, and few indeed would ever dream of supporting someone who had illegally raised funds for the PLO like Obama did in the 1990s, or taken illegal campaign contributions from Hamas, as Obama did in 2008. With 74% of Jewish voters voting for Barrack Hussein Obama in the last election, however, I'm embarrassed to say that at the moment, conservative Christian Americans support Israel better than liberal Jewish Americans. I hope that some of my liberals Jewish friends will stop worshipping Obama and start opposing his pro-Hamas policies, and fast.

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