Wednesday, September 2, 2009

American Leftists Have Long History of Antisemitism

You might think that American leftist antisemitism began with the embrace by so many on the left of mass-murdering Muslim monsters after 9/11. Leftist antisemitism in America, however, has much longer roots. It turns out, for example, that the pro-Soviet Ivy Leaguers who dominated the US State Department at least through the 1960s, actively tried to prevent attempts by Americans to rescue Jews from the Nazi Holocaust. That's right--the very same smug, rich, elitist State Department leftists who admired Stalin's Soviet Union and fancied themselves the apparatchik rulers of a Soviet America aided and abetted Hitler's genocide of the Jews. You can read a bit about one non-Jewish American's efforts to rescue Jews and expose the antisemitic leftist State Department cover-up at the link below.

I should add that leftist antisemitism goes back even further in America than World War II. The leftist Populist movement of the late 19th century included a heavy dose of antisemitism. Many WASP farmers in the 19th century borrowed money to speculate in farm land much larger than they could farm, and when the Treasury's contractionary monetary policy caused deflation, the speculating farmer saw their real (deflation-adjusted) interest rates skyrocket. Borrowing cheap money and having to pay back in more expensive money made these speculators pretty cranky--and many of them blamed "Jewish bankers" or just "the Jews." The first generation of professional historians in America, the leftist Progressives, saw the Populists as representative of "the People" in their Marxist-inspired view of history as conflict between "the People" and "the Interests." So the leftist Progressives admired the leftist and antisemitic Populists, demonstrating a long history of antisemitism, both passive and active, on the American left.

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